Ayurvedic treatment of depression and anxiety

Anxiety and depression are overgrowing and one of the most discussed conditions in society. A 5000 years old Ayurveda system is considered as one of the efficient ways, side by side with allopathy, to tackle mental conditions i.e. Anxiety and depression which run through society like cancer. According to one prevalence study, each year 15.5 million people are afflicted by Anxiety disorders (Ads) in the USA. Causes for these conditions may vary from socioeconomic life to genetic problems of a person. Major and known causes of depression are highlighted below.

Causes of Depression and Anxiety

  1. Socioeconomic status: Poor families are more prompt to mental illness.
  2. Other social factors: Domestic or work abuse and violence.
  3. Genetic problem: Anxiety neurosis.
  4. Medical causes: OCD or Obssessive compulsive disorder.
  5. Substance abuse: After discontinuing psychoactive medicines amphetamines, tranquilizers etc.

Why Choose Kerala Ayurveda Centre  For Anxiety and Depression?

Nowadays more and more people are looking for Ayurvedic treatment because it not only treats you with the medicinal plant but also gives you guidance on changing lifestyle for anxiety/depression management especially in the treatment of clinical depression by involving mental and physical activities. Another main reason is many of the patients don’t want to stick to allopathy medication rather they prefer natural treatment.

Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Ayurveda:

In ayurveda, treatment of depression and anxiety involves two major procedures:

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Ayurvedic Exercises

Medicine for Depression and Anxiety:

There is vast variety of medicinal plants in ayurvedic medicine for treating these conditions. Some have gained significant fame due to effectiveness over many other plants. These ayurvedic medicines have no harmful effects but ou must evaluate yourself for allergies to certain plants. Dosage, mode of administration and duration of some ayurvedic medicines are given below:

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